This week started out well. The weather has been sunny (although still a little cold) and we've been going on more walks. Here is Vita and dad heading out for a walk.
We're still having lots of fun looking in the mirror. Watch as Vita's expression changes from surprise to joy!
And now JOY!
Vita has also really been enjoying the mobile over her crib. The mobile is so exciting, that Vita can't sleep when she's anywhere near it. Instead, she just watches the mobile in complete amazement, and she squirms around, and coos, and kicks her legs, etc. These next four pictures were taken about 5 seconds apart, as Vita enjoyed her mobile.
Here's Vita nappping in the stroller (or as I call it, the mobile command center).
But then something changed... We noticed that Vita was cranky - which isn't like her at all.
We also noticed that Vita is drooling MUCH more than she used to... and that she chomps down on our fingers when we get them anywhere near her mouth. That's right, although she's not even 3 months yet, the teething has begun. And with the teething (and her new ability to grab things with her hands) comes the era where Vita explores the world by putting everything in her mouth.
Here's Vita with her hand in her mouth.
And here's Vita in full blown teething mode. Fortunately, we have teething rings and teething toys, and homeopathic remedies to help ease her discomfort.