Sorry this is such a short post, but it took me so long to re-create the blog and I need a bit of a break. Anyway, congratulations on finding your way to Vita’s new blog. Bookmark this site, as this is the one we’re sticking with, and we’ll be updating this site at least monthly, and sometimes more frequently…
This weekend, Vita was unanimously voted in to the exclusive “mother daughter daughter” (MDD) club, founded by Marianne, Mary, and Jenny. We thought about changing the name due to the expanded membership but we decided to keep it as is. Anyway, the group convened in Santa Cruz, which required Grandma Marianne and Aunt Mary to drive all the way up from LA for just a quick one day trip. I’m so grateful that they were willing to make such a huge effort! Not only that, but they came bearing gifts including fancy brand name diapers (since we usually make due with generic) and baby clothes and toys, and even a delicious home made baked ziti!
We didn’t do much. We had lunch, hung around with Vita, took a walk, played with Vita some more, had some ziti and some wine, played with Vita some more, and then called it a day.
We didn’t take many pictures, and although this came out a bit blurry, it’s still my favorite (and the only one where we are all looking at the camera and smiling).