Vittoria Marianna May Hardy
December 4, 2007
8 lbs. 9oz.
After nine very long months (and four extra days) Vita was finally born at 2:10 am on December 4, 2007! Vita pulled off a spectacularly efficient birth – and made her way into the world after only two hours of labor. Everything went so quickly that it was a bit of blur. Ernie didn’t even have time to run to the car to get the bag we packed for the hospital, or even the camera. Once she was born we were so busy holding her, watching her, taking inventory of fingers and toes, and trying to memorize every cute little wrinkle on her body… that it was more than an hour later that it finally occurred to us to get the camera and take a picture!
Here's her first picture. The first couple of pictures were taken with Ernie's phone, so the quality isn't very good... but we still wanted to preserve the moment forever.
Just a few minutes old.
Starting to open her eyes.
Look how small her head is!
Love at first sight.
Dad in awe.
Proud mom.
Aunt Mary came up all the way from LA to meet Vita on her first day of life, even though she could only stay for an hour or so. It was so great to see her, and I just couldn't wait to introduce her to Vita! They seem to be getting along beautifully.
Vita has dad's nose!