Vita is three months old today! It's gone so quickly... and while it seems like it's been only three weeks or so, I already can't remember what life was like before she was born. She's changed everything, and Ernie and I have never been so happy.
Speaking of happy - look at this big grin! It's too bad the flash went of and the picture is overexposed, but it's so cute anyway!
Vita has a lot to be happy about. First of all, the rocking chair has finally arrived, as you can see in the picture below.
Vita loves the rocking chair. I guess you could say that Vita Rocks!
But there's much more to be happy about. At three months, Vita is thriving and learning new skills every day. She's doing everything three month old babies do, including impressive head lifts, big beautiful smiles, occasional laughter, bringing both hands together, reaching for objects (sometimes successfully), grabbing and shaking objects that are placed in her hands, bearing weight on her legs when held in a "standing" position, turning in the direction of familiar voices, and her "vocabulary" of noises is getting bigger.
Vita is thriving physically as well. I'm certain she must be the tallest 3 month old baby on the planet. Just look at how tall she is, and at her impressive wing span! Vita isn't scheduled to go to the doctor again until 4 months, so I don't know exactly how big she has gotten. (Measuring the height of a squirming baby is very inaccurate.) However, she is starting to get too long for many of her clothes. In fact, the outfit she is pictured in below is sized for a 6 month old baby, and Vita's legs and feet are getting too long... WOW!
I wish my maternity leave could go on forever, but I'll be heading back to work in less than 2 weeks. Once I'm back at work, I may not be able to post updates this frequently, but for now... enjoy the fruits of my laziness.
Also, I want Vita's grandparents to know that I'm compiling a nice hard cover book to document all of the blog entries. When Vita turns one year old, I'll make copies of the book for each of you... and one to give to Vita when she's 18 or so.