This week started out well. The weather has been sunny (although still a little cold) and we've been going on more walks. Here is Vita and dad heading out for a walk.
We're still having lots of fun looking in the mirror. Watch as Vita's expression changes from surprise to joy!
And now JOY!
Vita has also really been enjoying the mobile over her crib. The mobile is so exciting, that Vita can't sleep when she's anywhere near it. Instead, she just watches the mobile in complete amazement, and she squirms around, and coos, and kicks her legs, etc. These next four pictures were taken about 5 seconds apart, as Vita enjoyed her mobile.
Here's Vita nappping in the stroller (or as I call it, the mobile command center).
But then something changed... We noticed that Vita was cranky - which isn't like her at all.
We also noticed that Vita is drooling MUCH more than she used to... and that she chomps down on our fingers when we get them anywhere near her mouth. That's right, although she's not even 3 months yet, the teething has begun. And with the teething (and her new ability to grab things with her hands) comes the era where Vita explores the world by putting everything in her mouth.
Here's Vita with her hand in her mouth.
And here's Vita in full blown teething mode. Fortunately, we have teething rings and teething toys, and homeopathic remedies to help ease her discomfort.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Open Mouth Insert World
Day in the Life
Although Vita seems to enjoy baths, after a bath is over she pouts for a while. This is a very clean yet traumatized baby.
After the trauma wears off, she likes to play with her favorite toy, Freddie the Firefly.
Here's another photo of Vita playing with Freddie. If you want to see Vita in action, click here to watch video of Vita and Freddie. As you can see, Vita is getting better at grabbing things (especially my hair).
After all that active play, Vita pauses for a nap. I love the soft natural lighting of this photo...
Next, Vita practices sitting up in her fancy chair. Doesn't she look so proper and distinguished in this upright pose? She seems proud of herself for sitting up, too.
Now for some tummy time.
Look how long and curly her hair is getting!!!
During the debate between the democratic presidential nominees, Vita sits in dad's lap and clutches another of her favorite toys. If you'd like to hear what Vita thinks of the nominees, click here for her analysis.
This blog site doesn't do an automatic email to notify you when there have been new blog posts, so you'll have to keep checking back for more updates. Ciao for now!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sorry this is such a short post, but it took me so long to re-create the blog and I need a bit of a break. Anyway, congratulations on finding your way to Vita’s new blog. Bookmark this site, as this is the one we’re sticking with, and we’ll be updating this site at least monthly, and sometimes more frequently…
This weekend, Vita was unanimously voted in to the exclusive “mother daughter daughter” (MDD) club, founded by Marianne, Mary, and Jenny. We thought about changing the name due to the expanded membership but we decided to keep it as is. Anyway, the group convened in Santa Cruz, which required Grandma Marianne and Aunt Mary to drive all the way up from LA for just a quick one day trip. I’m so grateful that they were willing to make such a huge effort! Not only that, but they came bearing gifts including fancy brand name diapers (since we usually make due with generic) and baby clothes and toys, and even a delicious home made baked ziti!
We didn’t do much. We had lunch, hung around with Vita, took a walk, played with Vita some more, had some ziti and some wine, played with Vita some more, and then called it a day.
We didn’t take many pictures, and although this came out a bit blurry, it’s still my favorite (and the only one where we are all looking at the camera and smiling).
Viva la Vita
Vita had a busy week, with some sunshine, her two month check up, lots of talking and playing, and even a massage class. Click these links for video of Vita talking to her dad or talking to her mom.
Here's a picture of Vita taken first thing in the morning. As usual, she's in a very good mood. Good morning, Vita!
The weather has been dismal for most of Vita's life, with lots of rain and dark clouds. However, the sun came out this week. Vita had been very active, playing on her activity mat. When the sunshine came in through the window, Vita found a spot where her eyes were shaded, and her body was nice and warm. This photo documents Vita's very first nap in the warmth of the sunshine.
Here's a close up.
When dad gets home from work, Vita and dad are very happy to see each other.
More dad and Vita.
On Tuesday, Vita had her two month check up. According to the doc, Vita is very healthy and "thriving". She is 12 pounds and 9 ounces, and two feet tall. That puts Vita in the 95th percentile for weight and height! Vita slept through most of the exam, but she woke up when it was time for her immunizations! It was really hard to watch as Vita got three shots, even though I knew it was good for her.
Look at this beautiful handmade cardigan, cap, and doll!
Here's Vita hanging out in the sling... another of our very cool hands free baby carriers.
Vita napping in dad's lap.
Finally, on Sunday we took Vita to an infant massage and reflexology class. Massage and reflexology can help a baby sleep better, and reduce things like gas and other tummy problems. Also, it feels good and Vita loves it!
Superbowl Sunday
Well, it's Superbowl Sunday, but we're not watching football. Instead, we thought we'd post a little update to tell you what we've been up to (even though we haven't been up to much). Vita is doing well, and is settling into a nice sleeping / eating routine. In fact, she's been sleeping through the night (8 hours) since about 6 - 7 weeks. Thanks Vita!
These days, Vita is becoming more and more interested in toys. I keep her favorite toy (a sun with blinking lights and music) in the car... because the car seat is prison to poor Vita, she just hates that car seat. Vita is beginning to use her hands a little bit more. She attempts to bat at things, and grab things. Most of her arm movements are still a bit erratic, but she's starting to get the hang of it. Also, she is trying a new technique to try to turn over. When she's laying on her back, she lifts her feet as high as she can, and then she swings her feet over to one direction. She ends up on her side, but not quite all the way to her stomach. She'll get there. In fact, I should enjoy this while it lasts, because she'll be mobile all too soon, and then just think of all the trouble she'll be able to find!
Vita is talking (cooing) more and more these days. She likes it when we say H words such as Hi, Hello, Honey, and Happy. Sometimes she tries to imitate the sounds we make. We'll say "hello" and she'll say something that sounds like "hoh". It’s adorable. She makes lots of little random vowel and consonant sounds. Finally, she's been smiling more and more - and she frequently smiles back at us when we smile at her. Unfortunately, due to the half second delay on my camera, it's very difficult to get that smile on film, so you'll just have to take my word on it for now.
Here's Vita checking herself out in the mirror. She loves mirrors these days!
Mirror mirror on the wall... who's the cutest baby of them all?
A sweet picture asleep in the bouncy chair.
Here's Vita in our new baby carrier. It's just a long piece of fabric called a Moby Wrap... but she seems to really like it. This way, I can just "wear" the baby all day, and I have my hands free to do things around the house, or to type up a blog entry.
The wrap feels like a little kangaroo pouch. Look how cute she looks, asleep in the Moby!
OK, this is the last Moby picture, I promise.
Her shirt says I love giggles. At the very moment I took the picture, Vita decided to demonstrate just how much she does love giggles.
Here's Vita lounging in the Boppy pillow, showing off a cute demin mini skirt.
Vita admiring some modern art. Yes you're correct Vita, that is Kandinsky's "Composition Eight".
There's a little chair that infants can sit in beginning at three months. The chair provides a lot of support, so even if you aren't sitting up yet, you can sit in this chair. I got this on clearance for half price at Target. Yay, Target!
Gee, I wonder why Vita doesn't like her new chair very much.
All better.
After the Holidays
The holidays were fun but exhausting! January has been slow and relaxing, with lots of snuggling and afternoon naps and leisurely walks and other lovely delights.
New Years morning, mom and Vita sleep in late.
Tiny little hand!
Getting ready for bed. Vita is so tall that her feet slip out of her sleep sack!
The feet will NOT be contained.
Snuggly bear.
Say what?
Sassy leopard dress.
Trying to avoid the paparazzi.
Space baby with her new jet pack (diaper bag).
Ready for blast off.
Look at those shoes! Ferrari red puma speedcats!
Mysterio predicts she will be a Romance Novelist. Hmmm.
Vita isn't always happy about having her diaper changed.
Here's Vita in her car seat, helping me run some errands.
And here's what I see when I look in my rear view mirror. This baby mirror is the coolest thing! Even though Vita is in a rear facing car seat, this mirrir allows me to see Vita, and Vita can see her own reflection, and she can see me too. As if that isn't enough, the mirror lights up and plays music, and is operated by a remote control so I can turn it on or off while I'm driving.
At six weeks old, it was time for Vita to start to learn to drink from a bottle. She wasn't crazy about it at first, but she reluctantly went along with it.
She finished the whole bottle!