On Christmas morning, Vita actually slept a little bit late... all the way to 6am. When she finally woke up, she saw that Santa had come and left presents under the tree. Vita went right for the presents and started unwrapping. Ernie and I sat in our pajamas eating gingerbread and drinking coffee and watching the joy unfold. Although this was technically Vita's third Christmas, she didn't really understand much about it before so somehow this felt new and exciting, like our very first Christmas, and it was so so so much fun!
We didn't get good pictures because we had to use the flash, and because Vita was too busy looking at the new toys to be bothered with looking at the camera. So you'll have to take our word on it... that she was beyond thrilled. However, we didn't always get the reaction we were hoping for. Like in the picture below, she's not really looking at her new bike, she's much more interested in the piece of take in her hand.
The bike is still a little big for her, so we're going to re-introduce it in a couple of months.
Here's a picture of Vita with her new dollhouse, which she loves.