When did Vita get so big? On the last day of June, we marked a spot on the wall with Vita's height, planning to update it every few months. Well, Vita suddenly just seemed so big... so even though it's been less than a month since we measured her height, we check it again for kicks. It turns out Vita has grown almost an inch in less than a month! Sometimes when I look at her, I think she looks more like a "kid" than a "baby".
Also, she doesn't curl up when she naps, and she doesn't like being swaddled anymore. She sleeps all sprawled out like this.
Vita's Mema (aka Grandma Joan) made Vita this beautiful shopping cart cover. Just a month ago, Vita wouldn't have been ready for this... but now she's strong enough to sit up in the shopping cart like a big girl! Vita loves the shopping cart "nest", and she loves riding around in the cart, too. The nest has pockets and attachments for toys as well. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.
Vita's hair is also coming in a little bit thicker, and her bald spot has filled in.
Speaking of the coolest thing ever, Vita also just received a beautiful hand knit blanket. How much do you love this blanket, Vita? Yeah, me too!
Vita also loves this new monkey toy! It's amazing how she seems to have opinions all of a sudden...
Also, remember how I said I was becoming a hippy and was about to start using cloth diapers? I LOVE them! Cloth diapers have evolved so much from my babysitting days as a teenager, when I used to have to do origami to get the rectangular fabric into a diaper and then poke myself with diaper pins. No longer. Today's cloth diapers are amazing... and they're cute, too!
It doesn't even look like a diaper. I only regret that I didn't use cloth from day one. Since cloth diapers are simple / back to basics, cost a lot less than disposables, and don't clog up our landfills, this is one of those happy occasions where my tendencies towards minimalism, being a big cheapskate, and having a little bit of a social conscience all fit together neatly. Yay!