Becoming a parent has turned me into a complete hippy. Not really... I mean, I still shower every day... but I find myself doing things I never dreamed I would do. I hardly recognize myself sometimes! First of all, I'm still breastfeeding, and I have no plans on stopping any time soon. (I even pump throughout the work day so I can send her off to "school" with breast milk.) I make all of her baby food, and it's all organic. No jars. I carefully regulate the levels of toxic substances in her toys and her bottles, avoiding even the “safer” plastics when possible. I check the Environmental Working Group's cosmetic database to ensure that any products that go on her skin or hair (and lately, even my own skin and hair) are not loaded with icky chemicals. I've made a zillion changes around the house (starting to compost, using non-toxic cleaners, etc.). And many other things I just can't think of at the moment. But here is the big one. This is what sealed the deal. This is what defines me now as a hippy. I'm starting to use CLOTH DIAPERS... and even CLOTH WIPES! (PS - If any of you other moms think you might want to give cloth diapers a try... here's a contest at a really cool website where you can win a whole bunch of them to try them out!)