When did Vita get so big? On the last day of June, we marked a spot on the wall with Vita's height, planning to update it every few months. Well, Vita suddenly just seemed so big... so even though it's been less than a month since we measured her height, we check it again for kicks. It turns out Vita has grown almost an inch in less than a month! Sometimes when I look at her, I think she looks more like a "kid" than a "baby".
Also, she doesn't curl up when she naps, and she doesn't like being swaddled anymore. She sleeps all sprawled out like this.
Vita's Mema (aka Grandma Joan) made Vita this beautiful shopping cart cover. Just a month ago, Vita wouldn't have been ready for this... but now she's strong enough to sit up in the shopping cart like a big girl! Vita loves the shopping cart "nest", and she loves riding around in the cart, too. The nest has pockets and attachments for toys as well. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.
Vita's hair is also coming in a little bit thicker, and her bald spot has filled in.
Speaking of the coolest thing ever, Vita also just received a beautiful hand knit blanket. How much do you love this blanket, Vita? Yeah, me too!
Vita also loves this new monkey toy! It's amazing how she seems to have opinions all of a sudden...
Also, remember how I said I was becoming a hippy and was about to start using cloth diapers? I LOVE them! Cloth diapers have evolved so much from my babysitting days as a teenager, when I used to have to do origami to get the rectangular fabric into a diaper and then poke myself with diaper pins. No longer. Today's cloth diapers are amazing... and they're cute, too!
It doesn't even look like a diaper. I only regret that I didn't use cloth from day one. Since cloth diapers are simple / back to basics, cost a lot less than disposables, and don't clog up our landfills, this is one of those happy occasions where my tendencies towards minimalism, being a big cheapskate, and having a little bit of a social conscience all fit together neatly. Yay!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Growing So Fast
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A Glimpse...
Hippy Mom
Becoming a parent has turned me into a complete hippy. Not really... I mean, I still shower every day... but I find myself doing things I never dreamed I would do. I hardly recognize myself sometimes! First of all, I'm still breastfeeding, and I have no plans on stopping any time soon. (I even pump throughout the work day so I can send her off to "school" with breast milk.) I make all of her baby food, and it's all organic. No jars. I carefully regulate the levels of toxic substances in her toys and her bottles, avoiding even the “safer” plastics when possible. I check the Environmental Working Group's cosmetic database to ensure that any products that go on her skin or hair (and lately, even my own skin and hair) are not loaded with icky chemicals. I've made a zillion changes around the house (starting to compost, using non-toxic cleaners, etc.). And many other things I just can't think of at the moment. But here is the big one. This is what sealed the deal. This is what defines me now as a hippy. I'm starting to use CLOTH DIAPERS... and even CLOTH WIPES! (PS - If any of you other moms think you might want to give cloth diapers a try... here's a contest at a really cool website where you can win a whole bunch of them to try them out!)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
This weekend, Vita and Ernie and I went to Pirate Fest, a Pirate themed camping weekend. Vita and I dressed as Pirates, but Ernie came as a Ninja... (Pirates and Ninjas are enemies, in case you didn't know that.)
Is Pirate Fest a safe place for a baby? No, perhaps not. Vita was attacked by a Ninja!
But Vita is no ordinary baby. Soon, she had disarmed her attacker. Is that a sword? She may be a baby, but she's certainly not defenseless!
In fact, Vita ruled with an iron fist, showing little mercy. Below, you can see that Vita hangs with a pretty tough crowd.
And even among such characters, Vita is the one who steers the ship. North, daddy, I said north!
I was in danger as well. Vita was just about to strike, but luckily Randall was around to hold her back.
Pirates and Ninjas - a family portrait.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day Care
Well, I guess I have to admit my secret shame... As much as I was thrilled about Vita's quick recovery, I was also a little bit sad knowing that recovery would bring our eventual separation, my return to work, and Vita's enrollment in day care. The truth is, I would have been OK with Vita remaining at 99% recovered for just a little while longer. However, as the botulism episode has ended, a new adventure has begun. Vita has completed her first week in day care. She was just part time this week, and she'll continue her gradual transition next week. The following week she'll be in day care full time (about 6 hours and 45 minutes per day). She's doing great! I think she's really enjoying watching the other babies (she's not doing much interacting yet, just watching) and she loves circle time and story time and song time, and she even had her first SANDBOX time. She loved the sandbox, and we'll soon be building one of those in the backyard. I wish I could post pictures, but apparently you're not supposed to take pictures of other people's kids and post them on the internet. It's a shame, because the pictures would show that Vita is having a great time at daycare. Then, Vita is happy to see me when I pick her up, and we have not noticed any changes to her usual happy, confident, curious personality. I think it's really going to work out... phew! Soon, we'll be going on a Pirate Camping Trip, so expect another *interesting* post later this weekend. PS - got 30 seconds? Here's a cute video!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vita has declared victory over botulism! The doctors have said that she is completely recovered, and she is just a completely normal healthy baby! The recovery happened so much faster than we anticipated... but of course it did. Vita's first name "Vittoria" means "Victory" in Italian. Now she can do all the things that her seven month old peers can do. The botulism episode is officially over, and has become just an interesting anecdote for cocktail party conversation. HOORAY!
In other news, Vita's Grandma Victoria is visiting for the weekend. Victoria brought a conductor's hat that used to belong to Ernie.
Vita experienced bubbles for the very first time. She smiled at them, but wasn't particularly impressed. Perhaps we'll wait and bring the bubbles back out next month.
Vita talking to Ernie and Victoria.