April was a really fun and really busy month. It started with a visit from the Easter bunny, and a basket of treats! Easter turned out to be a rainy day (so no egg hunt) but we made the best of it and had fun anyway.
Here's Vita taking her first bite of sour candy. She made a funny face, but she said she liked it and she wanted more.
These pictures may seem like repeats, but we just keep going back for more and more fun at Gilroy Gardens and Vita loves it every time. We went on a cloudy day with a few sprinkles and there were hardly any lines at all, it was great!
We finally started to get some good weather, and we headed outdoors for some fun splashing in the water.
We had some fun visits as well, but I didn't do a very good job taking pictures. Vita's Grandma Victoria came up for a weekend visit (no pictures) and we ended the month of April down in Los Angeles visiting Grandma Marianne, Grandpa Vito and Uncle Pat (just one picture, below). All in all, a WONDERFUL month of April, with lots more fun to come in May... including a visit to Disneyland (post coming soon) and Grandma Victoria will be moving to Santa Cruz!