We've had an interesting week this week, with a bit of a double whammy. 1) Vita got a mild version of chicken pox in response to the chicken pox vaccine. The doctor told us that was "quite rare", and I told her that the word rare had officially lost all meaning. 2) Ernie got laid off on Friday.
But it sounds worse than it is. 1) Vita is already better, as the vaccine induced version of pox is much milder than the "wild" form of the illness. 2) Vita and Ernie get to spend LOTS more time together! I'm actually kind of jealous. So, we'll be battening down the hatches and reigning in our extravagant lifestyles a bit, but we've prepared pretty well for this type of situation so we'll be A-OK.
In the mean time, we enjoyed a beautiful Santa Cruz weekend! First, here's Vita selecting a book from her library. She LOVES books, it's great! She'll pick out a book and bring it to you and climb into your lap.
She also looks through books independently.
I can't believe how light her hair is getting. You can't tell, but this is a picture of Vita making a clucking sound. It's a new favorite thing to do. She's also saying "ut oh" a lot. She'll drop something, and then she'll say "ut oh".
On Sunday when Vita was deemed safe to be in public, we had a great picnic with some great friends.
Naturally, we squeezed in a bit of a photo shoot.
Every time Vita would see me turn the camera on she would take this hat off. Nothing like a baby in beret on a sunny day.
She's really got a thing for hats lately.