On Christmas morning, Vita actually slept a little bit late... all the way to 6am. When she finally woke up, she saw that Santa had come and left presents under the tree. Vita went right for the presents and started unwrapping. Ernie and I sat in our pajamas eating gingerbread and drinking coffee and watching the joy unfold. Although this was technically Vita's third Christmas, she didn't really understand much about it before so somehow this felt new and exciting, like our very first Christmas, and it was so so so much fun!
We didn't get good pictures because we had to use the flash, and because Vita was too busy looking at the new toys to be bothered with looking at the camera. So you'll have to take our word on it... that she was beyond thrilled. However, we didn't always get the reaction we were hoping for. Like in the picture below, she's not really looking at her new bike, she's much more interested in the piece of take in her hand.
The bike is still a little big for her, so we're going to re-introduce it in a couple of months.
Here's a picture of Vita with her new dollhouse, which she loves.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Almost Two...
The gifts are wrapped, the streamers and banner have been hung, the cupcakes have been baked (but not yet frosted) and Ms. Vita is fast asleep in her bed. I can't believe when she wakes up she will be two years old! This year, Vita knows it is her birthday and she has been looking forward to it. She knows she is about to be two years old, and it will be her birthday, and there will be singing and cake and Grandpa and Mema, and presents, and fun. At the end of the weekend, or early next week, I'll do a post with lots of pictures, but for the mean time I wanted to share a little bit about what's going on with Vita right now on the brink of two years. Vita has been reciting her alphabet for months now, she knows her colors, and she is getting better at counting. She can count all the way to 20 but she usually skips 4 and 5. Vita is speaking really well and her vocabulary increases much faster than we can keep up with it. She speaks in 5 - 6 word sentences and sings entire songs such as C is for Cookie and Ring Around the Rosie. It's so much fun to be able to really have a two way dialogue, and it's very helpful that she can tell us what she wants and needs. Vita is becoming very independent and wants to do everything herself, or she wants to help us. It's fun to come up with ways to get her involved in day to day tasks like cooking and cleaning. Vita is pretty good about putting her toys away, putting dirty clothes in the hamper, putting on and taking off various articles of clothing and shoes when asked, etc. She has also been helping out with pulling weeds in the backyard, and helping with preparing her breakfast. The biggest change going on in Vita's life right now is her transition from the infant program to the preschool at her daycare center. For the past 18 months or so, Vita has been with the zero to two crowd, and with a wonderful wonderful staff of teachers that we LOVE. However, it's now time for her to expand her horizons and start attending preschool with the older kids. Although she has spent some time with the preschool teachers we were a little concerned the transition might be tough for her. Over the past couple of weeks, every day Vita has spent a little less time with the infants and more time with the preschoolers. She seems to be having a great time and the transition has been smooth. She's even napping well in the new group. In fact, it's only been a week since she has spent the majority of her day with the older kids, and she surprised me today by asking to use the potty (and then using it successfully)! I think she's watching what the older kids at school are doing, and learning from them.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
This Thanksgiving, we had a very short but very fun trip to Southern California to visit family. First, we went to Venice to visit the Panetta family. We had a delicious meal, and lots of fun with everyone. Unfortunately... I didn't get many pictures, but here's one group shot. Vita doesn't look very happy in this particular picture, but she had so much fun and really loved being the center of attention. She also received some great presents (which she also loved).
One of Vita's presents was a holiday dress that we tried on over her pajamas. So cute! Look for some pictures by the Christmas tree with this dress on in a few weeks when we get our tree.
Next we went to Orange County to see the Kerr family. Vita is cautiously checking out the BIGGEST dog she has ever seen.
Vita toured the house and loved seeing Grandma Victoria's art, especially this penguin.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Horsing Around
Ever since Vita fell in love with the merry go round at Gilroy Gardens last weekend, she's been spending a lot more time on her rocking horse. She has so much fun riding her horsey, and she gives him hugs and kisses, too.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Gilroy Gardens
Today we took Vita to the Gilroy Gardens theme park. The park was designed to be educational and to promote an appreciation of horticulture. In fact, one of their slogans is that they are an amusement park where the trees are taller than the rides. The park is actually quite beautiful, with fun rides geared towards VERY young children, nestled amongst trees and a lake. We had a lot of fun. The first ride we went on was the carousel. Vita LOVED riding on the horses, and talked about it all day. It was definitely her favorite ride.