Today Vita is showing more signs of progress. Both of her eyes are opening, and she is spending more time awake. She continues to show more subtle facial expressions, and generally seems stronger. Again, she tried a little smile at one point. The picture below is blurry, but you can see that she's opening her eyes!
The doctors think maybe they could remove her breathing tube today... but they'd rather be on the safe side and wait until tomorrow morning. So, the plan is to take her off the breathing machine tomorrow late morning. Then, I'll be able to pick her up and hold her. I can't wait! I'd love to hold her now but I'm glad they are being cautious. Also, they'll keep her in the ICU, and keep her feeding tube and her IV's etc. for at least one more day of close observation. If all goes well, the day after tomorrow they may move us out of the ICU.
So, that's my exciting update for now. I'll leave you with some Botulism Fun Facts. (As you can see, Ernie and I have been occupying ourselves with learning everything we can about this thing.)
1. Botulism is the single most acutely toxic substance (natural or manmade) known to science, with a median lethal dose of about 1 ng/kg, meaning that a few hundred grams could theoretically kill every human on earth. (For perspective, the rat poison strychnine, which is also considered to be highly toxic, has a median lethal dose of about 1,000,000 ng/kg, and it would take four hundred tons to kill every human).
2. It is also remarkably easy to come by: Clostridium spores (which form the botulinium toxin in the human intestine if inhaled) are found in soil practically all over the earth... particularly in the state of California.
3. Since botulism is so toxic, many (including the US government) have researched it's application as a biological weapon. Although it hasn't been used in overt warfare, it was used in "Operation Mongoose" where in 1961, the CIA saturated some cigars, of Fidel Castro's favorite brand, with botulinum toxin for a possible assassination attempt. The cigars were never used, but when tested years later were found still effective.
4. And it sucks.