The days are really getting crisp here in Santa Cruz, and fall is in the air. Vita keeps growing by leaps and bounds. The pants I hemmed for her just 3 weeks ago are getting too short already and I'll be taking the hem out. Wow. Her vocabulary grows faster than Ernie and I can keep track of. She loves singing songs - the ABC's, Three Little Monkeys, and C is for Cookie are her favorites. She's starting to count, and check this out... Vita can swing on the big kids swings now (instead of those bucket seat swings for babies)!
A couple of weekends ago Vita had a little visit with Grandma Marianne and Grandpa Vito. Here are two really sweet shots with Vita and Grandma Marianne.
If you know Vita, you probably know that she loves to eat. She also thinks she's entitled to everyone else's food as well (especially mine). When Vita finishes her food, she looks over longingly to see whats on my plate, and she gives me this look.
This weekend, we had a quick visit with Vita's Aunt Jennifer, Dan and Nevil who were spending the weekend on the coast. We headed out to an event to celebrate the return of the monarch butterflies who migrate through the area, but it was really cold so the butterflies weren't really moving around. Still, it was great to see everyone.