Now that Vita can roll over, there is no keeping her on her back if she wants to be on her tummy. Lately, she's taken to rolling over and napping on her tummy. This is actually a "live" shot of Vita napping at this very moment in time.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Recently, Vita got a high chair. It's almost time to slowly start introducing some solids, so we wanted Vita to get used to the chair. It's great to have Vita at the table with us while we eat. Vita even has a special toy that attaches to the high chair with a suction cup.
Today, Vita's teething was really bad. Although we're ultimately planning on waiting a while longer before introducing foods, we let Vita chew on some frozen banana through this child safe mesh container. Vita LOVED the banana, and she ended up consuming almost a tablespoon full of it! It helped her sore gums, and it also was her very first food.
Vita enjoyed the frozen banana so much, she was quite upset when it was all gone.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Grand Parents and Rock Stars
This weekend, Vita's Grandma Marianne and Grandpa Vito came up from LA for a visit. We had a great time just hanging out around the house, not doing a thing.
Where was dad, you ask? Oh, Ernie was hanging out with rock stars that day. Here are some pictures of Ernie with members of Metallica. Ernie got the entire band to sign an album for Vita. That badge you see him wearing indicates that Ernie was on duty. Poor Ernie working on the weekends. Don't you feel sorry for him?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Audit Week
Vita had a very busy week. She survived her first HUD audit! Here she is at work bright eyed and alert. One of the auditors took a picture of Vita and sent it to her boss, joking that she was our next Executive Director. Anyway, Vita did great during the audit (of course)
Back at home, we've been enjoying the warm weather with shorts and tee shirts, bright spring colors, and happy smiles.
Don't you hate it when so many people are taking your picture that you don't even know which camera to look at.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Day in the Park
Ernie and Vita and I love having a park just around the corner. In fact, we walk to the park almost every week day after work.
Vita's arms are long enough to reach both ropes!
Here's Vita watching the big kids play on the swings.
Vita had so much fun, that she completely fell asleep on the short walk home.
Happy Blur
So far, being a mom has felt to me like one big happy blur... these pictures depict it up nicely.
For more happiness, watch this video of Vita having fun in the jumperoo!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Work week
I forgot to mention in my last post that Vita and I had a great week at work. We are settling into more of a routine, and it's getting easier and even more fun. Vita continues to make new friends.
Vita doesn't hate the car seat as much as she used to, so sometimes we use it for rides in the stroller.
Sometimes Vita sleeps on my lap like this, and I work on the computer while she sleeps.
I'm so lucky that I can look up from my work, and she's right there sleeping or playing!
Sleeping In
Now that I'm back at work, and I'm waking up at 4:45 most days to start my morning routine... I really enjoy sleeping in on the weekends. Vita is such a great sleeper that after a full eight hours of sleep, she'll go back to sleep even longer on weekend mornings. Then, when we feel like it, we spend the next 2 hours or so in bed lounging and reading and cuddling.
In addition to all of the cuddling, all three of us even had breakfast in bed this morning! Lazy Saturday mornings are the best.
Vita continues to get more mobile. Sometimes if I put her in the crib and then leave the room to make a cup of tea, when I come back she's on the other end of the crib! And just look at that neck strength!
This afternoon Vita had a little too much fun in the jumperoo. One minute she was jumping and having fun, then she yawned, and fell instantly to sleep.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Four Months
Vita will be four months old tomorrow. Today, Vita had a visit to the doctor for some immunizations and a check up. The shots still weren't fun, but this time it seemed less traumatic for both of us. The good news is that Vita is still thriving! Vita weighs 14 pounds and 14 ounces, she is 25 inches long, and she's in the 75th percentile for both weight and height. Everything checked out perfectly.
Here's Vita earlier in the day at work. Vita is still captivated by her feet. In this photo, she's managed to grab both of them. The cutest part is that she also sings to her feet. She's so enthralled, she has no idea that I'm right here with a camera.
But then I seem to have interupted her song by snapping a photo.
Fast forward to later in the day, several hours after her visit to the doctor (and her shots). After a long and deep nap, Vita seems to be right back to her normal happy self.
Happy and singing again, hooray!
Finally, this photo is actually from a week ago, but I forgot to post it. Vita loves going on the swings, and she already knows how to hold on!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
This week, Vita discovered her feet. She'll spent up to 30 minutes grabbing one (or both) feet, and then letting go, and then grabbing the feet again. She's having lots of fun.