Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back to Work

After being unemployed a whopping 2.5 work days, Ernie found another job. It's really remarkable with all the layoffs here in Silicon Valley, and unprecidented competition in the job market! So, Ernie is back to work on Monday. Obviously we're thrilled that Ernie found a job so fast, but we're also kind of sad that he didn't get more time off to be Mr. Mom and hang out with Vita. These pictures were taken on Friday, Ernie's last day of being unemployed. Looks like they made the best of the time they had. Incidentally, Vita continues to love hats (especially Dad's hats), and she puts them on her head all by herself. She even keeps them on long enough for photos to be taken. Considering her history of hating hats and tearing them off immediately, I'm taking advantage of this with lots of hat pictures. (More pictures of stuff on Vita's head to come momentarily... in another post.)