Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11 Months (and Election Day)

Vita is 11 months old today! Below is a picture of Vita on the new pony we found on Craig's list. She loves it! We have to keep the pony hidden because she's too young to climb on to it herself, and she has to be under CONSTANT supervision while she plays on the pony. When Vita catches a glimpse of the pony in the laundry room, she squeals with delight. I've never seen her react so strongly to anything!

Today is also Election Day! Vita voted with me during the primary election and she's voting with her dad today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that today will be a very VERY happy 11 month birthday...
Can you believe Vita will be one year old in a month?!? She's on the brink of walking on her own, she dances to music, she waves hello and goodbye, she points to things she's interested in, she feeds herself lots of different finger foods... She's just getting so grown up already.