Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun in the Backyard

It was a warm spring weekend here in Santa Cruz, so Ernie and Vita decided to have a camp out in the backyard on Friday night.  Here they are setting up.

Ernie and Vita built a campfire, toasted s'mores, and had a great time.  However, it wasn't quite warm enough for Anabelle, so Anabelle and I stayed inside and had a cozy and snugly night of our own.  Here's our view of the backyard setup.

On Sunday, we filled up the kiddie pool for the first time this season, and headed back into the yard for more fun.  Anabelle wore this cute little swimsuit that Vita once wore... and seeing Anabelle in this same suit (and same hat) was like going back in time to Vita's baby days.

After a few hours splashing and playing, we had some watermelon in the shade.  The perfect end to a perfect weekend.