Sunday, November 22, 2009

Horsing Around

Ever since Vita fell in love with the merry go round at Gilroy Gardens last weekend, she's been spending a lot more time on her rocking horse. She has so much fun riding her horsey, and she gives him hugs and kisses, too.

Here's Vita shoveling sand in the backyard with her own little shovel. She's actually a great helper! She helps me pull weeds and everything.
This is what you get when you ask for a silly face.
Pretty eyes in this shot.
In other news, Vita got her first haircut on Saturday. I had planned on taking pictures, but Vita insisted on sitting on my lap so I didn't have my hands free. She did great, though. And with her hair a bit shorter, it's much more curly (and gets less tangled) in the back. Finally, Vita is starting to get excited about her birthday, which I can't believe is less than two weeks away. She knows she will be two years old, and that there will be birthday cake and balloons, and a visit from Grandpa Bob and Mema Joan!