Sunday, March 15, 2009

From Arizona With Love

This weekend, Vita's grandparents Bob and Joan came to visit from Arizona. Vita tentatively checked them out. Vita's not so sure about Bob in the photo below. But after about 5 minutes she warmed right up! Bob and Joan brought Vita a pretty summer dress, so we had a mini photo shoot and captured the beautiful smiles below.

Then, Joan read Vita a compelling little book about the alphabet. The book said that V is for Vicuna, which apparently is a real thing...
After lunch and a nap, we headed to the park for some fun in the sand. This photo of Vita's feet reminds me of how much I used to enjoy the warmth and texture of sand on my bare feet as a kid. Bob and Joan brought some huge bubble wands that make enormous bubbles. Strangely, Vita didn't seem that interested in the bubbles, and spent most of her time playing in the sand with a set of measuring cups that belonged to another child... while two or three other kids had a blast with Vita's bubbles. After the park we changed our clothes and got ready to head out for Vita's first Sushi dinner. Yum.
Smooch! Nose kiss!
We all had a great time, especially Vita. Although no one else heard, I heard Vita say "papa" and point to Bob out the window on his way in. Vita had such a blast, and just loves being the center of so much attention and love. As Bob and Joan headed out, Vita smiled and waved goodbye at the window until they were all the way down the block.