Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We got a smile!

Today is Tuesday June 3rd, day 10 of our adventures with botulism. This morning, Vita seemed more more awake. She has started to suck on a pacifier a little bit (which bodes well for our eventual return to breastfeeding) and she smiled a real smile! She has tried to smile once or twice since this began, but this was the first real undeniable smile and it was great! Of course, as soon as I got the camera it was gone, so you'll just have to take my word for it. At rounds this morning, the doctors said there was a slim chance they may take her off the breathing machine Friday, but it will probably be more like Saturday or Sunday. This time I won't get ahead of myself by getting my hopes up too high. They'll extubate Vita when she's ready to breathe on her own, and that's not something to rush into.
Other progress to report: a little bit of vertical movement in one of her legs, and both arms and hands are moving horizontically and vertically, and working on pulling out her various tubes.
I know this picture isn't great, but her eyes are more open, so it's beautiful to me.