Saturday, March 22, 2008

On the Job

This week was my first week back at work after my maternity leave. As most of you know, I am fortunate to work for an extremely family friendly agency… So, after four luxurious months off from work, I was able to return to work with my new associate Vita. Vita will be coming to work with me every day, until she is six months old. Over the previous weekend, I set up an entire mini nursery at my cubicle. Vita has a bassinet / playpen, a basket for the bobby pillow, a bouncy chair, a diaper changing station, and lots of toys right at my desk. I also spread out into the area outside my cubicle, where Vita parks her stroller, and where Vita has access to another borrowed jumperoo. Finally, I put up a curtain for privacy. Isn’t this a nice set up? Over the past week, Vita has spent most of her time at work sleeping, eating, playing with toys, jumping, and socializing. I guess that makes her a typical government employee (just kidding)! Here she’s napping, completely unaware that she’s about to be transported into a meeting. Vita socializing with one of her new friends on her first day on the job. Vita is quite popular at work, and gets many visitors over the course of each day. (Note Vita’s “lucky charm” bib for St. Patrick’s Day.) After her first day on the job, Vita collapsed into dad’s arms. Poor little over worked girl. The diaper changing station is right by my in-box. That could be a recipe for disaster… or perhaps that’s the plan. Once again, asleep on the job. When Vita has a lot of energy, she jumps in this jumperoo. Lounging with her feet up, playing with toys. Naturally, Vita is wearing blue jeans because it’s casual Friday. Finally, the week is over, and we BOTH slept in late on Saturday. And then off to the park playground with dad for some weekend fun!